Last week, YouGov US revealed what animals Americans thought they could beat in unarmed combat. You all liked it so much in the UK that we’ve now done a British comparison study.
In terms of what animals Britons think they can take on, the order is almost identical to that of Americans. Two thirds of Brits think they could beat up a rat (67%), making it the animal they feel most confident in defeating. This is followed by almost as many who think they can beat a house cat (66%).
The results also show that, across the board, Britons are less likely to think they can triumph in animal combat than our American cousins.
This difference is most marked when it comes to geese: Americans are substantially more likely to think they could have a goose (61%) than Britons (45%). Americans are also notably more confident in doing battle with medium-sized dogs (49% vs 38%) and eagles (30% vs 18%).